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Derby Pride Academy has a holistic approach to the curriculum from KS3 to KS4. At both KS3 and KS4, the following subjects are delivered: 

  • English
  • Maths 
  • Science
  • ICT
  • PE


Subjects such as

  • Business Studies
  • Humanities, History and Citizenship
  • Radio Production

 form our non-core offer and pupils have an 'option choice' at KS4. 


Review of KS4 Offer

Derby Pride Academy conducts an annual review of the courses delivered to our KS4 pupils.

 Intake at different points of the academic year has an impact on potential outcomes and this is something all members of staff must consider when determining whether a qualification is suitable for delivery at Derby Pride Academy.

 Annual exam analysis of progress against baselines is used to evaluate the impact of a course, although this is not the single determining factor.

 The following questions are to be considered when reviewing the KS4 curriculum offer:

  • What was pupil engagement for the duration of the course? (Attendance, behaviour data, outcomes).
  • Does the course meet national requirements, e.g. Progress 8, EBacc, accredited, post-16 progression, etc? Is this necessary?
  • Does the course support our vision and values?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the course?
  • Are there similar courses with other exam boards? If so, is this the most suitable? Why?
  • Does the course prepare pupils for the next stage of their education or working life? (Impact of course on NEET).
  • Are there any common patterns or trends. Is a particular class a problem? Or the subject content itself? Or a specific unit or scheme of work? Or sequencing? Or depth of learning?
  • What changes need to be made to continue the course? E.g.
    • Available resource (staff, time, finances, etc.)
    • Potential impact on pupils
    • Whether there is scope for any 'quick wins'
  • Who'll make the changes and by when?
  • What are the Pupil Voice requests moving forward?


Once the course has been evaluated,

  • All staff must understand the reasoning behind the decisions made
  • The impact of any changes must be assessed and how effectively to implement them.